28 questions/comments
Welcome to my web site. Please leave any comments, suggestions or questions you have about any of my photos or the site. Thanks in advance.
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Dreams Tulum
Pictures are beautiful. My husband and I have a trip booked for November 2008. Can't wait to go!!! -
February 29, 2008
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Dreams, Tulum
Lovely pictures of Dreams resort - thanks for putting my mind at rest! We have booked for this August and since booking have read some very conflicting reviews. -
February 22, 2008
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awsome -
October 18, 2007
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Your Work is Wonderful
I came across your site through betterphoto.com I have interested in photography for about 4 years now. I too find an interest in low light photography, and wanted to take the time to say I love the alternate angles you choose. and I say your work is wonderfull. I have not taken any courses , more self taught through books and experementing. I wanted to ask you how well you have benifited from taking online classes through betterphoto.com. I have been looking around on that site for a while wondering how much I could really get from a online course. please get back and let me know. cynthia -N.Y.- fotolife 4/11/2005 11:18:43 PM -
Sharon E. Lowe August 17, 2007
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Dream Tulum
I just loved you pictures!!! I am getting married in May at Dreams Tulum & loved the new photos of the property. -
March 27, 2007
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thanks for having a website :-)
i had a long sigh after I saw ur website. it was a very good sigh though because it has been a long time that I have not seen pics from such a talented photographer. thanks again -
September 12, 2006
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About your photography.
Very nice pictures!I myself am just an amature who enjoys taking pictures.You will probably see me around somewhere, because I just like going where ever my car takes me and then I will stop and start shooting pictures.I won 2nd place picture contest in the "WI Department of Transportaion Rustic roads contest 2004" and they are using a few others pictures for there travel books.I was just lucky that time!But I am proud of it.I am working on a few more contests every year,It's just to much fun. Your site has good tips and ideas also! -
July 25, 2006
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I discovered the URL to your site in Bryan's book. I must say you are truly amazing. As a beginner I truly look up to your work. I too am very intrigued with night/low light photography. Keep up the good work. -
December 14, 2005
Joe - thanks for the nice comments!! -
Sharon E. Lowe
December 14, 2005
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Nice Work Sharon!
You can expect a lot of new visitors, I just received Bryan's new book and he mentions your site. I have taken a course and a workshop with Bryan and truly enjoy his vision. Good luck with your vocation.dale -
October 12, 2005
Dale - thanks. Hope you enjoy Bryan's new book! -
Sharon E. Lowe
October 12, 2005
Always the best contnet from these prodigious writers. -
Arjay Arjay
July 10, 2011
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Great night work!
Hi Sharon,I came across your site on BetterPhoto (I am too a member of this fine photographic community) and I want to say that your work is truly inspiring. I very much enjoyed your Night Photography gallery– very professional sunsets, really great work! I have recently played with some night images myself and would appreciate your comments on those, if you have a chance. Regards, Philip Pankov Pictures of Ireland - Fine Art Photographs -
October 04, 2005
Philip - thanks for the nice comments! -
Sharon E. Lowe
October 12, 2005
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I wanna be just like you when I grow up!!!! -
August 09, 2005
Bredna - thanks - very nice comment! -
Sharon E. Lowe
August 13, 2005
hi..?? -
lorevil parejo
January 22, 2012
This atrcile keeps it real, no doubt. -
Seston Seston
January 30, 2012
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What a lovely discovery ! While looking at some of Lance Keimig's website I noticed your link. I will have to keep a look out for your work around the area in the future!Lisa Allen South Shore Camera Club -
August 04, 2005
Lisa - thank you so much for your nice comments! -
Sharon E. Lowe
August 04, 2005
Grazi for mkanig it nice and EZ. -
Lakisha Lakisha
January 30, 2012
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Great Website!
Hi Sharon - Your website is beautiful, well organized and full of gorgeous images! I just bought a Holga with a polaroid back and am anxious to try it - great to see your photos! Thank you for sharing your technique for digital sandwiching, much appreciated and I'll give it a try! Kind regards, ~ Deb -
Deborah Sandidge April 08, 2005
Deborah - thanks so much for your nice comments!! -
Sharon E. Lowe
April 12, 2005
What a joy to find such clear tnhiking. Thanks for posting! -
Alexavier Alexavier
January 29, 2012
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A Great Time
Sharon thank you for such a great time on our shoot. You are a great person (and my children loved you). They could not wait to get home and tell mommy about all the fun they had. I hope we have a chance to work together again. -
December 07, 2004
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Sharon, your photograph just awesome, a pleasure to look at them and also an inspiration -
Stan Kwasniowski October 19, 2004
Stan - thanks so much for your nice comments and for having a look at my site!! -
Sharon E. Lowe
October 19, 2004
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Boston Photo Trek
Sharon, thanks for the tips. I attended the Boston Photo Trek and was interested in the photo sandwich. I haven't had time to try it yet but I wanted to say hi and thank you. Aloha, Diana Hudson -
September 13, 2004
Diana - Hi and thanks for stopping by! You'll have fun with it when you have a chance to try it out! -
Sharon E. Lowe
September 14, 2004
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Sharon,I am really impressed by your photos. In particular, I am a tremedous fan of the Boston photos. I have a lot of clients visiting Boston and are always looking for unique gifts. Have you thought about creating a Boston book? -
August 26, 2004
Gillian - thank you for the nice comments. Yes, I actually am contemplating one and am toying with the idea of doing a "Boston by Night" book since I love night photography. I am busy on some other projects right now but will be giving it serious thought and work over the next couple of months. If you are interested, I would also consider mounting and framing some images or creating a custom card set you could give to your clients. Feel free to contact me. -
Sharon E. Lowe
August 26, 2004
Tip top stuff. I'll excpet more now. -
Brandywine Brandywine
July 10, 2011
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Sharon, Your photos are fantastic! Your article on sandwiching in PS will definitely help me in the Better Photo course I'm in - Fine Art Flower Photograhy. There is a lesson on sandwiching and I shoot digitally. Do you have any tips on multiple exposures? You've got a great eye and super imagination plus your technical skills are superb-- a winning combination. Thanks. -cathy -
July 14, 2004
Cathy - thanks! I've been thinking about writing an article on digital multiple exposures but I need to create the examples to go with it. For now, just pretend you have a film camera, take the same number of shots with the exposure information Tony gives you, move around as if you were doing a multiple exposure with a film camera and plan to layer them in PS, probably using overlay as your mode. -
July 14, 2004
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Great Site
Bonjour Sharon !I love your site, its filled with wonderful images and very useful tips. You are a very talented photographer and a friendly person, I wish you all my best on your future in photography ! JF -
Jean-Francois Schmutz July 06, 2004
JF - thank you very much for your kind words! They mean so much to me, especially coming from you! -
Sharon E. Lowe
July 06, 2004
That insight slvoes the problem. Thanks! -
Misty Misty
October 18, 2012
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Your Gallery
Sharon, Your gallery does a great job of showcasing your many wonderful images. Best of luck to you! -
Bernie Bryson June 13, 2004
Bernie - thanks! Glad you like them!! -
Sharon E. Lowe
June 13, 2004
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